title Start Windows 2003 PE system
echo $[1106] Loading Windows 2003 PE system, Please Wait ...
srsf6 default=f6img f6img=/srs/ dpms=()/srs/dpms.lzma srsf6n=/srs/srsf6n.lzma --en || pause > nul
map /mspe/thpe.ISO (0xfa)
if %mem%==yes && map --mem /mspe/thpe.ISO (0xff) ! map /mspe/thpe.ISO (0xff)
map --e820cycles=3
map --rehook
chainloader (0xff) || chainloader (0xff)/WXPE/SETUPLDR.BIN
title The first partition Ghost backup hard disk
command siso max=/boot/imgs/maxdos.img tool=bak
title The first partition Ghost restore the hard disk
command siso max=/boot/imgs/maxdos.img tool=res
title Run RUN module
command siso run=--autolist-all /boot/imgs/
title Restart the computer
title Turn off the computer