WizTree 4.15 (14 August 2023)
• UI tweaked to look like Windows 11 style
• WizTree can now export/import ".tsv" (tab separated values) files. Simply set the file name extension to ".tsv" when saving to enable this, otherwise it will use a comma to separate the values
• Some UI elements would be slightly blurry on high DPI screens - fixed
• Deleted files will now be marked with a red outline in the treemap as they are detected
• Fixed treemap hover glitch which could happen in certain situations when deleting files
• Various translations updated
维兹树 4.15 (14 八月 2023)
• 用户界面调整为看起来像 Windows 11 风格
• WizTree现在可以导出/导入“.tsv”(制表符分隔值)文件。只需在保存时将文件扩展名设置为“.tsv”即可启用此功能,否则它将使用逗号分隔值
• 某些 UI 元素在高 DPI 屏幕上会略微模糊 - 已修复
• 删除的文件现在将在检测到时在树状图中标有红色轮廓
• 修复了删除文件时在某些情况下可能发生的树状图悬停故障
• 更新了各种翻译