本帖最后由 2011htpcfans 于 2018-3-18 09:48 编辑
100/200系列主板破解BIOS步骤 2018年3月18日定稿于浙江定海剑桥府邸 主要参考以下论坛指导,原网站很多内容我也没时间消化。
还有教程以Word 附件形式一并放在压缩工具包里,我在本坛权限低,教程压缩以后超过2M传不上来!
Premise:the guide below is NOT a transaction without risk and success can not beguaranteed. Therefore, I do not assume any responsibility for problems ordamages resulting from the use of this guide. Those who do not have apropensity to risk and a some computer skills should abstain (at least fornow). Almost all the information is coming from this forum, my modest task isjust to put various things together. So thank you to all forum members thatmade this possible, From Fernando to SoniX to all the others. This guide isintended for AsRock motherboards as they have proven to work well with thismod. A socketed BIOS chip is desirable as it could reduce the risk ofbricking the board. Because of higher power limits I would not suggest this modwith i5 and i7 K series CPUs 河南新野籍一名被遗忘的人倾情奉献! 97年高中毕业,现在准备参加国考。
1、准备所需软件与BIOS文件(1)需要下载软件与相关资料包共6个。Foursoftware "packages" are required for the software: 1. UEFI BIOS Updater (UBU) in version1.69.11.fix
2. Intel Binary Modification Program (BMP)v2.6.7
3. VBios and BSF Package
4. AMI Aptio V UEFI MMTool v5.0.0.7 or morerecent
5. UEFITool
6.sel1151.bat 和 cpu906EB_plat02_ver00000072_2017-09-20_PRD_A08C2841.bin
Linksand directions to get those are all in the first post of the following page: [Tool Guide+News] "UEFI BIOS Updater" (UBU)
inaddition to the four packages you need a copy (instant flash) of themotherboard BIOS downloaded from the manufacturer's website. The version mustbe recent but not too much (not after October 2017). Finally you need the twofiles that are in the attached zip file. (2)开始之前,还有点系统准备工作:1.关于操作系统运行环境,最好纯净Win7 x86(x64没试过,应该也没问题),安装vc_redist.x86,我安装的版本是2015,14.0.23026,再安装补丁Windows6.1-KB2999226-x86,保证MMTool和UEFITool运行不出错。我是在虚拟机中运行的。
3.安装IntelBMP软件,就是二进制修改程序。 4.复制VBIOS_and_BSF资料包到UBU文件夹,注意名字不能改动,更不能出现空格。
这里要确保cpu906EB_plat02_ver00000072_2017-09-20_PRD_A08C2841.bin这个文件就是CoffeeLake CPU的识别微码必须复制到UBU\Modules\mCode\1151\文件夹下; Beforestarting, the following preparatory work is needed: 1.Unpack the UBU folder (v1.69.11.fix): this will be the main working folder; 2.Install Intel BMP on the PC: it will be used to prepare the updated vBIOS; 3. Copythe VBIOS_and_BSF / SKLKBL folder into the UBU folder; 4. Checkthat the MMTool.exe program has exactly this name (without spaces or numbers,possibly rename it) and insert it in the UBU folder; 5. Leavea copy of the BIOS to be changed in the UBU folder; 6. Inthe folder UBU / modules / mCode replace the file "sel1151.bat" withthe one with the same name attached to this post and in the subfolder 1151insert the attached file:"cpu906EB_plat02_ver00000072_2017-09-20_PRD_A08C2841.bin". these twofiles will allow the Coffee Lake microcode to be inserted semi-automatically. 2、BIOS文件更新破解(1)ME版本检测与视情调整目标:控制BIOS文件中ME(Intel 管理引擎)版本是1.6或者1.7,如果下载的BIOS是这两个版本的,不用调整,如果不是需要调整,刚才说的玄学就是这个意思,不用工具检测,谁知道版本是多少。
打开UEFITOOL,选择File,点击Open image file…打开要修改的ROM,如图1所示:
展开AMI Aptio capsule,展开Intel image,即可看见ME region,如图2所示:
右击ME region,选择Replace as is…,如图3所示:
(2)vbios升级Theoperation to be performed to the BIOS basically consists in updating to thelatest versions of vBIOS and GOP driver besides the insertion of a microcodecompatible with the Coffee Lake CPUID. The first operation is the most complexbecause it must be done manually (in the volume there are too manymanufacturer's customizations to use an automated process) while the other twocan be done more easily through UBU Tool. 以下针对bios的操作仅仅包含升级最新版本vBIOS、 GOP驱动和CPU微码,vBIOS插入了兼容于Coffee LakeCPU中核芯显卡的微码。 第一步是最复杂的,更新vbios模块,因为它只能手动执行,每个主板品牌(工厂)都有自行定制的特殊动作,而用新版GOP驱动模块和CPU微码更新(对于BIOS主文件)则可以使用UBU Tool半自动执行(因为UBU Tool是批处理,后面详解)。
(1)使用MMTool打开调整好ME版本的BIOS文件,选择OptionROM,就是ROM选项卡,找到DeviceID是 406的那一行,确认section GUID 栏目值是C5A4306E-E247-4ECD-A9D8-5B1985D3DCDA,然后提取出ROM选项,在Browse里面指定好路径和名字,就取名字vbios.dat吧,然后应用,Apply。看下面图5,6 1. Openthe BIOS to be modified with the MMTool program, select the "OptionROM" tab, in the table click on device 406, note the relative value of the"GUID section", extract the OROM naming it "vbios.dat" andclick on "apply". Close MMTool.
2.Open "vbios.dat" with notepad and look for the first string"Intel(R)": just before it, there must be a number between 1034 and1054. This number represents the version of the original vBIOS. Take note andclose without saving. (3)打开Intel BMP软件,打开刚才保存的vbios.dat文件,使用刚才那个数字对应的特殊脚本文件(.bsf),在\VBIOS_and_BSF\SKLKBL文件夹下。