Index: asm.S
--- asm.S (revision 115)
+++ asm.S (working copy)
@@ -10135,7 +10135,61 @@
movl %edi, %ebx
- /* Read the MBR, or the boot sector of the extended partition. */
+ movl -16(%ebx), %eax
+ addl -4(%ebx), %eax
+ call 101f
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz 9f # return with failure
+ /* Check if it is valid. */
+ movl $(PART_TABLE_TMPBUF+446), %esi
+ cmpw $0xAA55, 64(%esi)
+ jne 9f
+ cmpl $0xff, ABS(EXT_C(current_slice))
+ je 100f
+ movl $0xFF, ABS(EXT_C(current_slice))
+ cmpb $0xee, 4(%esi)
+ jne 100f
+ movl $1,%eax
+ call 101f
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz 9f
+ movl $PART_TABLE_TMPBUF,%esi
+ cmpl $0x20494645,(%esi)
+ jne 9f
+ movl 72(%esi),%eax
+ movl %eax,PART_TABLE_BUF + 0xC
+ movl PART_TABLE_BUF + 0xC,%eax
+ incl PART_TABLE_BUF + 0xC
+ call 101f
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ jz 9f
+ movl $PART_TABLE_TMPBUF,%esi
+ movl $4,%ecx
+ movl 32(%esi),%eax
+ testl %eax,%eax
+ jz 9f
+ stosl
+ subl %eax,40(%esi)
+ movl 40(%esi),%eax
+ stosl
+ xorb %al,%al
+ stosb
+ movb $0xee,%al
+ stosb
+ incb -4(%ebp)
+ movl -4(%ebp), %eax
+ stosw
+ xorl %eax,%eax
+ stosl
+ addl $0x80,%esi
+ loop 111b
+ jmp 110b
pushl $0xedde0d90 # read
pushl $0 # buf_hi
@@ -10143,20 +10197,12 @@
pushl $(SECTOR_SIZE)
pushl $0 # byte_offset
pushl $0 # sector_hi
- /* calculate the start sector number for read */
- movl -16(%ebx), %eax
- addl -4(%ebx), %eax
pushl %eax # sector
pushl ABS(EXT_C(current_drive))
call EXT_C(rawread)
addl $36, %esp
- testl %eax, %eax
- jz 9f # return with failure
- /* Check if it is valid. */
- movl $(PART_TABLE_TMPBUF+446), %esi
- cmpw $0xAA55, 64(%esi)
- jne 9f
+ ret
pushl %esi
call 98f
popl %esi