Another follow-up enhanced version of PECMD compiled by mdyblog has already been translated into English since nearly more than 4 years ago.It automatically detects the language of the host system and displays the proper one.
PLS consult:
thank you dear , i am aware of the new PECMD version .
the file you linked , is it unpacked version of PECMD ? what type of version is it ? it has lots of files .
发表于 2019-8-4 02:56
pecmd.exe is the core program you use.The others are addtional.Another important one is pecmdedit that is used as a text editor
发表于 2019-8-4 03:37
A newly-developed version based on the source code of pecmd 2012 issued by lxl1638. ... 5402&extra=page%3D1
pecmd.exe is the core program you use.The others are addtional.Another important one is pecmdedit that is used as a text editor as well as an API developing tool of PECMD.