标题: cf卡引导错误 [打印本页] 作者: fastrun99 时间: 2006-1-16 11:34 标题: cf卡引导错误 我用tap.exe去侦察设备驱动,build后将镜像文件拷入CF卡,设置好引导,启动,看到XPE启动画面,但几秒钟后兰屏,屏幕提示:
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer
if this is the first time you';ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer,if this screen appears again,follow these steps:
check for viruses on your computer ,remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers ,check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated ,run chkdsk/f to check for hard drive corruption,and then restart your computer,
technical information:
我用的CF卡是SanDisk 1G的CF卡,开始怀疑是镜像文件做的有问题,但后来用硬盘安装,一切正常,安装完毕,可以实现包括HORM启动在内的功能,但将硬盘文件全部克隆到CF卡上后引导进去,几秒钟后也提示上面的错误。哪位高手知道可能会是什么原因呢?先谢谢了。