或释放完WIN.WIM后,执行BCDBOOT c:\windows /l zn-cn作者: cy06 时间: 2013-4-2 15:43
many people wonder about that, but it's correct behavior of WinNTSetup.
Microsoft has create Vista and Windows 7 images with default system letter D:.
WinNTSetup is not only used as a setup tool, but also as an generic WIM Image applier.
Therefor it's not always wanted to change the letter.作者: 2010elfkid 时间: 2013-4-5 22:37
没错,我也遇到这样的情况,不知道是操作问题还是软件的bug作者: mdyblog 时间: 2013-4-7 11:52 回复 8#wjgyz740526
安装前, 将另一个改为隐藏。 就只能是C:了。
安装后再改回来。作者: jianghe8686 时间: 2013-4-7 15:37
的确有这么个问题 我遇到好几次了!!现在都不敢在用了 呵呵作者: anythingsky 时间: 2013-4-7 19:59 回复 1#sunx