Boot loader to use:(LDRXPE)
*Primary-Partition num:1
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
*DOS-EXT-Partition num:2
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
** go on Ext_Pri
* Dos-EXT - partition num:3
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
* DOS-EXT - Partition num:4
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
* DOS-EXT-Partition num:5
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
*Primary - partition num:6
avldr_diskmgr found one NTFS Partition.
[!] Loader not found @ hdd! Try FDD: launch loader failed!
Now any key for boot menu……
Multi boot Menu
(c):BOOt CD
(H):BOOt lst HDD
(M):Retry Another one
(R):Reboot The System
<<<Select one of the operation from list>>>
出现以上这些后我按R键会重启,按M键出现[!]Please lnput the Loader to load:_,按H键回到选择启动菜单,按F键出现
BOOting A:
Lnsert a bootable floppy ,any key nhen ready...