
标题: 在 CCF 有注册的请进。 [打印本页]

作者: 菜刀    时间: 2007-12-8 00:04
标题: 在 CCF 有注册的请进。


拉一楼的附件帖上来看看,本人记不起自己是不是 CCF 的会员了^_^。
作者: mixegg    时间: 2007-12-8 01:09
fbwf.rar (126.34 KB, 下载次数: 91)
FBWF  全称File-Based Write Filter

以上为本人个人理解可能与它本身功能或多或少有所出入,经过阅读EMBEDDED 2007的帮助文档,感觉它比EWF的功能有过之而无不及!





The FBWF Manager is a command line tool for embedded developers to quickly integrate and prototype the FBWF. FBWF Manager is intended primarily for design time use.

The FBWF Manager command line syntax follows:

fbwfmgr [/? | /help /[switch] | /displayconfig | /overlaydetail | /enable | /disable | /addvolume [volumename] | /removevolume [volumename] [1|0] |
/addexclusion [path] | /removeexclusion [path] |
/setthreshold [threshold] | /setcompression [1|0] | /setpreallocation [1|0] ]
The following table describes the command line switches.

Switch Description
displayconfig Displays all configuration information for the write filter including protected volumes list, overlay configuration and write through paths. The command returns:
State—Indicating current filter state (enable or disable) and state for next boot.

Protected Volumes—List of protected volumes including the current and next boot state.

Compression—Current and next boot state for cache compression.

Threshold—Current and next boot values for the overlay cache threshold.

Write Through Paths—Displays a complete list of active and next boot write through paths.

Pre-allocation Status—Displays current and next boot status for cache pre-allocation.

overlaydetail Displays detail on the current overlay contents for all protected volumes. The command returns:
Contents—Files and folders currently in the overlay for all protected volumes including sizes (size of data in overlay) and open file handles.

Memory Usage—Total amount of memory being consumed by the overlay.

enable Enables the write filter on the next restart.
disable Disables the write filter on the next restart.
addvolume Adds a volume to the protected volume list for next boot.
removevolume Removes a volume from the protected volume list for next boot.
addexclusion Adds a write through path to the exclusion list for next boot.
removeexclusion Removes a write through path from the exclusion list for next boot.
setthreshold Sets the overlay threshold value for next boot.
setcompression Sets overlay compression as enabled (1) or disabled (0) for next boot.
setpreallocation Sets cache pre-allocation as enabled (1) or disabled (0) for next boot.
commitfile Commits a specified file.
restorefile Restores a specified file.
? Displays usage and help.
help / [switch] Displays help information for a specific FBWF Manager switch.
作者: 123    时间: 2007-12-8 02:08

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